Page 116 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 116
friends, finding new spots and filming at different locations. It never bothered me how far we actually travelled to get to some of these places to skate. The thought and the thrill of sharing in the spirit of something that we loved so much was enough to kick start my day. In my parenting years, I have been en- joying going out skating either by myself or with my sons early in the morning before any pedestrians, traffic or security. I thought that there was something very special about having a park or a spot all to ourselves, like the feeling of being alone or with family, participating in something very special and sacred.
What are some of the ways that you can carry this “skate or die” mentality out- side of skateboarding? Skateboarding grows on you and can have a deep im- pact on your lifestyle and sometimes it can feel all-consuming when we live and breathe it.
I find it particularly easy to lose sight of “skate or die” when injuries or set- backs take place. That feeling of trying something on your skateboard and ending up with a rolled ankle, hot pocket or heel bruise can make you feel like you don’t want to do anything at all except skate again. To conquer what seem- ingly conquered you.
Some people may feel like they’re going through a void in these circumstances and feel like they’re just waiting around to go skating again. Everyone handles things differently based on where they are at in life. I’ve seen this take on the form of excessive drinking and lazing about in a lot of skaters. For some, it might take on the form of seeking out methods and modalities that will bene- fit their health and healing process. For me, I know that my injuries meant continuing to go out on sessions and getting more into filming and video making. Finding a new purpose and passion kept my fire burning.
How do we find purpose and passion in the world outside of skateboarding? Think consciously about what you’re doing and who you are sharing life with. Consider this your everyday legacy; making memories that will last a lifetime. Think of your legacy like threads in a piece of fabric that are all interwoven together. It’s not only key events or favourite past times that make your legacy, it’s everything in between as well.