Page 12 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
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The countless hours spent with friends skateboarding create a unique bond. Sure, there are times you are competing in a game of skate or who can go the fastest down a hill, but mostly the ride is the reward. Think of the road trips you’ve been on with your fellow skaters. That first push can lead to a lifetime of freedom and exploration. For me, skateboarding was a catalyst to lead me to people, music, art and ideas that I normally wouldn’t have discovered. The more you commit, the greater the reward.
Skateboarders know all about quality time — especially if you’re living in a climate that is not sunny all the time. We cherish the opportunity to ride with friends. But most importantly, we value the time put into riding a skateboard. We know that at any moment, a pebble, car or crack in the pavement could stop us in our tracks.
When I attend a funeral, I can tell almost immediately what kind of eulogies I will hear. If the family is tight-knit and supportive of one another, the eu- logies will often be about the time the person put into people. While hearing about a person’s business or academic accomplishments can be impressive, it is the anecdotes about the time spent with family and friends that really leave an impression on me. I have never once heard “I wish my father would have spent less time with us” or “I wish my mom would have spent more time at the office.”
Ultimately, life is about balance. If you are obsessed with skateboarding to the point that it leaves you penniless, you’ve gone too far. Conversely, there are so many millions of people afraid to take that first push or to “drop in.” They firmly believe that life is scary and meant to be cautiously navigated. Their fears can lead to frustration, anger and depression. It makes for a joyless life. Skateboarding has a magical way of creating a sense of freedom in your mind. Once your mind is free, anything is possible. After all, you have a 100% chance of dying. The question is what are you going to do about it?