Page 94 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 94

people who gave me the acceptance and encouragement that I craved. Skate- boarding was our language and one that we learnt to speak together. Those who got to know me, let me know that it was okay to be myself.
While my spiritual experiences dwindled during my teenage years, they were still etched in my mind and a big mystery for me. Conversations about spiri- tual experiences were off limits to my family and friends outside of skate- boarding, because I already felt actively judged on almost everything. Skateboarding was my pathway to self-discovery, and it was during my early 20’s that my spiritual senses became active again.
The trust, diversity and acceptance amongst my inner circle of skateboarders is what inspired me to explore and learn more about my spiritual path. It was too loud to ignore and I couldn’t just turn it off. I furthered my studies in meta- physical topics, developed my abilities with the guidance of a mentor, began my practice as a Clairvoyant Healer and began exploring the world from a re- newed perspective.
As I learnt to accept and express myself on all levels; physical, mental, emo- tional and spiritual, I felt a huge shift in my appreciation, love of life and the people in it. Because I was free to express myself, I was able to experience par- allels in the elation that I experienced through spirituality and skateboarding.
Outsiders of both skateboarding and spirituality are commonly misunder- stood and judged. Spiritual seekers might be thought of as “alternative, freaks, hippies or weirdos”, while skateboarders might be perceived as “rowdy, trouble- making punks”. I know that both people involved in skateboarding or spiritu- ality have a set image in mind of what each other looks like, which can often make the two paths seem very distant and different to one another.
I always felt like the two paths were very distinct, yet very similar. Skateboar- ders are like spiritual seekers or pilgrims and vice versa. The continual jour- ney of continual self-improvement, seeking holy lands and sacred places immortalized in scriptures, skateboard magazines and videos, applying learnt skills to new situations, reflective practices, openness, flow, acceptance and

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