Page 111 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 111

Skateboarding and The Soul
What is a Soul? Do we all have one? A soul isn’t something that we have but rather, it’s something that we are. We are spiritual beings having human experiences and the soul is that part of us that makes us ex- perience being alive.
Consider for a moment, the body that you have. It’s a human body. On its own, a body is a body on its own, a vessel for the soul that animates the body and brings it to life. Think of the body like a skateboard. On its own, the skateboard is just a skateboard and when someone rides it, the skateboard and the person come together and there is a bridged experience of rolling on the surface of the street, park, ditch or what have you.
Now that we have described what a soul is, many of us are probably wonder- ing, “What does it mean to be a soul? Why does this even matter?”
When we acknowledge that we are spiritual beings and not simply human be- ings, we broaden the perspective of our life experiences. We can begin to un- derstand that there are things that are much bigger and more powerful than what we know, that our experiences are all connected and there is a kind of spark that brings different forms of life together. We celebrate creation and our own personal growth and development. We are granted the opportunity to see life and death as necessary parts of our journey.

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