Page 138 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 138

as foundations for your growth and further progress, like learning to com- municate, move and coordinate your body. Despite having common things that we all learn as part of our journey through life and skateboarding, we all branch off on our own paths and have our own unique experience and devel- opment attached to it.
When you find your love for skateboarding, you’ll find that it flows naturally. Progression is an essential and obvious part of the journey that is character- ized by one’s passion and enjoyment of it. What this has the power and po- tential to teach is that engaging in life from a perspective of appreciation, love and purpose allows us to flow from experience to experience with greater con- fidence, courage and commitment. As a grounding and very present-focussed activity to participate in, skateboarding empowers one to find purpose in their present and pay attention to who and what are really in the environment around them.
Skateboarding progresses naturally, in that it’s not something that you can plan or set a timeframe on. There’s an undefined amount of time for how long it may take you to learn to stand on board, learn to push, ollie and kickflip and so forth. Some people will have it figured out quickly, others may take longer. Some tricks may feel more comfortable or uncomfortable for you. You can commit to the experience and experiment by practising and reflecting on your skateboarding regularly but no one ever truly knows the details of when. It just happens when you focus on serving a dynamic purpose, which is a pur- pose that is flexible, ever-changing and evolving and you recognise the un- derlying intent of learning for the enjoyment and love of skateboarding. Purpose is not something that is fixed on achievement, a future moment that is set on a track or clearly defined by a timeframe, textbook or through the eyes of comparison with others.
There are times in your life when you will need to make decisions about your life and are asked questions like “what do you want to do with your life?” “What will you do when you finish school, graduate from studies and come of age?” Re- spectively speaking, while it’s nice to have an ambition and an idea of what you want to do with your life, like a job or studying or running a business, this

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