Page 157 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 157

• Is there someone at the spot that will try to prevent you from Skating?
• What angle do you need to ride up to the obstacle at?
• What are your options if you need to jump off?
• Is the tripod, person filming or shooting set up and ready?
• When I eject my board, are they safe?
• Do I have a person Board-saving in case my Board goes onto the road or into
the direction of other people?
• Is there rain or wind affecting my ability to skate this spot?
When reflecting on this, there are so many questions that would be asked, so many factors that could create a lot of mental chatter. Many might think that the meditative aspect of skateboarding involves only blocking out the mental thoughts that emerge. What is really necessary to enhance one’s mental clarity and focus is understanding what to concentrate on, physically, mentally and emotionally. Rather than ignoring the questions, answer them with clarity for peace of mind, assertiveness so that it becomes your mantra and control what is within your control.
Skateboarders require this kind of dedicated and directed attention while being able to answer these questions, let go of the distractions and be very present and in the moment. It can be easy to fixate on some of these questions while Skateboarding and feel stuck or think that certain feats are not possible. However with practice, one reaps confidence and with confidence, there is intention and desire. It’s the meditation and trance-like experience of Skate- boarding that gets us beyond all of the questions.
You might start with these factors and questions in mind when you get to your spot and you start warming up for your trick. You might start doing a few prac- tice moves or start flicking your board. You might try and visualize what to do. You might start rolling around, finding that line, trying and committing to landing and roll if you’re feeling it, if it feels good. You go above, below and through. You carve, kick turn, balance, grind, slide. You flip, catch, land. You roll away. The energy is high. You celebrate yourself. Your friends cheer you on. You replay the footage and see if it came out alright. You watch it again and again. You’re on a high from your victory.

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