Page 158 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 158

I know that there is a transformation of consciousness that takes place on a Skateboard. To the uninitiated and outside onlookers, it might look like a wheeled, wooden toy. It might look like another “sport” choice. It might look like a dangerous, disruptive or juvenile activity that damages urban environments.
To the initiated, they are alchemists. They transform lead to gold. They trans- form their own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual limits. The alche- mist tests their body, mind and spirit. They learn to let go, they learn to commit and trust themselves and their board. They experience what it feels like to roll away and to keep rolling along.
I know that these kinds of experiences evoke a sense of feeling high. They re- lease a combination of feel-good brain chemicals such as Dopamine, Oxyto- cin, Serotonin and Endorphins, which are great at leaving you feeling happy, connecting with others, sleeping better, releasing anxiety, stress and rolling into older age! While medical research stipulates that the Pineal Gland cal- cifies in older age, leading to disrupted hormones, affecting things like sleep, moods and energy levels, amongst other things, research has also shown that meditative experiences contribute to healthy stimulation of the Pineal Gland.
I know that skateboarders know and crave these feelings. It keeps them youth- ful and I know that many skateboarders see the world differently after these deep and meaningful experiences. A skateboarder’s interaction and explora- tion of the world is similar to that of a Yogi. There are parallels between the ways they both connect and seek presence in their bodies. The level of atten- tion and focus to push themselves and open themselves up beyond limita- tions of the body, mind and spirit.
Skateboarding builds character. It connects one with their Soul. Though it can be seen as fast paced and noisy by some, it’s meditation in movement. Skate- boarders are pushed to be in their altered state quite quickly. This is how skateboarding is enjoyed best — focussed and fun.
I recognize this when I see people skating and they’re having fun. They’re focussed and they’re enjoying it because it’s working for them and they’re

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