Page 19 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 19

in shock. I thought to myself “the guy was 98, how can she be surprised?” But I knew well enough to keep my thoughts to myself.
As a skateboarder, I am sure there have been times when your ability to read a situation quickly paid off immeasurably. It might have been those times when you questioned authority. Perhaps a security guard (or irate neighbor) chased you away from a great spot. I am sure you’ve experienced a motorist loudly honking their horn at you as you effortlessly ride down the road. Skate- boarders, in many cases, are doing something that can be considered “quasi” legal. Your ability to keep cool with authority is an excellent skill.
If you’re not getting badgered by authority figures, you might find that you’re encountering people who show absolute disdain for your chosen pastime. I’ve encountered numerous individuals who seem to question why on earth I’d even skateboard at “my age.” I always laugh when people say I’m too old to be riding a skateboard. Their incorrect perception won’t dampen my joy one bit. But I never lose my temper with them.
The truth is that while most of our time as skaters is pretty stress-free, there are also times when things can get out of hand. I’ve been in a few hairy situ- ations which have required a very calm and collected mindset. It’s not so much what you’re experiencing, but how you are handling it.
Your willingness to continue to skate despite all these obstacles showcases a unique type of resiliency. It is a resilience that can be drawn upon as you deal with other types of precarious situations.
This ability to adapt, manage stress and overcome challenges is a critical part of being a skater. But I’d go one step further. If you’re brave enough to charge downhill at 50 mph or drop into a 15-foot high half-pipe, then I think it can be excellent mental preparation for the challenges of death and dying.
Emotional intelligence plays a huge role in dealing with death and dying. If you draw on your experiences as a skater, you will find an inner strength you might not know you had.

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