Page 43 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 43

A Wall of Resources
As I mentioned previously, in the final months of publishing Concrete Wave Magazine, I got writer’s block. Writer’s block is no joke. Your cre- ative juices simply stop flowing and you start to panic wondering what on earth you can write about. It was an invisible wall that was truly overwhel- ming. The problem is you can’t seem to get over this wall, no matter what you try. Thankfully, I have conquered this block. But, I have no desire to write a massive book. This is mainly because very few people have the time to read a lot of words. Also, and this is key, I only want to give you the very best of what I have to offer. Filling this book with filler isn’t going to help anyone.
I think the idea of a wall provides a perfect metaphor for men and death. While there are some men who have no issues discussing death and dying, for many it is a very difficult subject. They just don’t want to consider it or even begin talking about it. It truly remains an invisible wall that seems insurmountable.
You could face this wall alone or with a non-creative approach, but chances are you will never be able to scale it. From what I have experienced, the boost you will need to clear the wall might come from a family member or close friend. Again, if this book provides some positive guidance for a few of my fellow skaters, then that will have been entirely worthwhile.
Thanks to technology, there is a very simple and free way you can start to en- gage with people about death and dying and start the process of scaling the

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