Page 97 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 97
Freeing Skateboarders from the Fear of Death
Many of us have been taught to be scared when death shows its face. Death is in fact, an essential and a natural part of life. In order to over- come any fears that we have about death, we need to understand it and contextualize it through concepts that can help us to explore it.
It might be common to think of life and death as two ends of a linear experi- ence, however, life and death are part of a cycle. There cannot be one without the other. New life and new beginnings are the result of an end and a conclu- sion to another. In this cycle and recycling of different things, whether it be life, experiences or opportunities, one cannot go through the process of life without the process of death.
We often think of death and dying as the end of the road. Some common ques- tions and themes that I have come across are:
“Where to from here?
Does everything just stop?
Do we lose everything that we have accumulated? Our possessions?
Our knowledge and abilities?
Our skills?
If we are all going to die anyway, why should we bother trying or why should we bother living?”