Page 99 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 99

The Soul is like the essence of who we are. It is the being housed inside the vessel that we recognize and call the “Body”. Living life in a Human Body is amazing, for it enables us the experience of being able to do many incredible things. Skateboarding is one of them. My Spirit Guide once told me that “there is no other place in the galaxy that has something even remotely close to Skate- boarding!”
When we give something in our lives attention and focus, we are giving it energy and thus, we are giving it life. When we close off, disconnect or move on from something in our lives, we are in a state of closure, which does imply death. It is inherent in our nature to keep on expanding, growing and evolv- ing. Think of the ways that we create, like a revolving door. One thing begins, and another ends.
Let’s think of death as a phase. Just like how the moon has phases or the oceans have their high and low tides. In skateboarding, death can take on many forms and expressions of this cycle. Death might imply the end of one particular experience, at that specific moment in space and time and yes, there may be some fear of the unknown of what to expect after- wards, but rest assured, the times ahead lead you towards better and brighter things.
Usually, it’s the fear of the unknown that holds us back. The fear of a form of death and dying translates to hanging on. It’s these moments when we resist the transitions of these cycles, that we are faced with a range of emotions, such as anger, anxiety, depression, frustration and loss of direction. These emotions could contribute to being the catalyst for a range of experiences, such as injury, illness, isolation and mental health issues.
There are times when we know that the cycles of death and rebirth are present or they’re coming. Life is taking place as you create in another direction! The expressions and experiences of life and death show up quite frequently in skateboarding. There may be times in skateboarding when you may feel that your focus is beginning to change and it’s important to be able to recognize these changes and the kinds of actions to take.

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