Page 145 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 145

try, bail or bust, ride away or don’t ride away. Some of these thoughts might cross your mind, but thoughts, like clouds in the sky, can pass and you’ll find your way to do what you want to do, in perfect alignment with your own abil- ities, needs and placement within time and space itself.
Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, just like how skateboarding is meant to be fun. There is no such thing as mistakes. Only experience and experiments. This shows up in skateboarding quite prevalently, so know that whatever the situation in life outside of skateboarding, your life can also change quickly through your intentions, thoughts and actions. The positive experiences can change and fade away just as the negative experiences can be turned around. What’s significant to keep in mind is your presence and awareness. With what you experience, acknowledge it for what it is and change it if you desire to. Life is expansive and full of ripe opportunities to engage and connect with the world.
Skateboarding’s paced in such a way that keeps us present and self-aware through every crucial moment on board. Every push, carve, kickturn and foot placement matters and has its place in the experience.
Everything in life and skateboarding has its place and purpose, without co- incidence. Take this principle out of skateboarding and apply it to your life, knowing that ultimately, you are in control of the experience in your own body and mind.
Be conscious and aware yet accepting and compassionate for yourself and others in all situations and recognise how skateboarding and life can continue to progress and get better for everyone in this way.

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