Page 143 - THE ENDLESS WAVE | Skateboarding, Death & Spirituality
P. 143

Although cause and effect are quite instantaneous in skateboarding, it’s also worth remembering that we all need to take responsibility and become ac- countable for our own input into our causes. We are the ones in our own bodies and in our own minds and it’s the power of choice and our own control that influences what happens on your skateboard.
Every cause sends energy into the world which is matched by the reception of a corresponding response from life itself. Everything that we think, say and do impacts us. Sometimes in life this can take a bit longer to show and skate- boarding itself teaches lessons in cause and effect quite quickly, by the way the body and board move to leave the ground and gravity has its way of bring- ing us back to the ground.
Some thoughts and actions take longer for life to respond back with or are more subtle, like you know those days where you wake up feeling in a bad mood and everything and everyone around you seems to be an irritant or seemingly responsible for your day? Or like when you are sending out a certain vibe that everyone around you seems to be vibing off?
Typically when people are faced with situations that they don’t find pleasant or enjoyable, they might complain about it. Complaining only brings focus on the negative emotions and experiences and doesn’t pave the way forward. People com- plain about all sorts of things from small things like the service at the shops, the way they were spoken to, the food they eat, the habits they have formed and the behaviours of another individual, to big things like their job, spouse and coworkers.
What would you do if your ollies weren’t high enough to get you onto or over that obstacle? Or you couldn’t pump to keep up your speed? Or you couldn’t get enough speed with one push to clear that gap or set of stairs? Would you keep complaining about it and doing the same thing?
Or would you change your approach?
Whatever it is, we have the power of choice. If there are effects that we don’t like or are not satisfied with, we can take time to work on these things,

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